What does an acupuncturist do? During the initial exam a full health history is taken. Questions are asked regarding health, symptoms and lifestyle. An appropriate physical exam is conducted, including pulse and tongue diagnosis. After the interview process, you may receive an acupuncture treatment. The practitioner can then create a well-structured treatment plan. Acupuncturist will place fine, sterile needles at specific acupoints along meridian pathways.Visits with your acupuncturist may last from thirty to ninety minutes. This can eliminate pain and restore balance and harmony, as well as the body’s ability to heal itself—ultimately leading to optimal health and well-being.
The number of treatments will vary from person to person. Some people experience immediate relief; others may take months or even years to achieve results. Chronic conditions usually take longer to resolve than acute ones. Plan on a minimum of a month to see significant changes.
· Write down and bring any questions you have. We are here to help you.
· Wear loose, comfortable clothing for easy access to acupuncture points.
· Do not eat large meals just before or after your visit.
· Refrain from overexertion, working out, drugs or alcohol for up to six hours after the visit.
· Avoid stressful situations. Make time to relax, and be sure to get plenty of rest.
· Between visits, take notes of any changes that may have occurred, such as the alleviation of pain, pain moving to other areas, or changes in the frequency and type of problems.
Acupuncture is extremely safe. It is an all-natural, drug-free therapy, yielding no side effects just feelings of relaxation and well-being. There is little danger of infection from acupuncture needles because they are sterile, used once, and then discarded.
Today, acupuncturists undertake three to four years of extensive and comprehensive graduate training at nationally certified schools. All acupuncturists must pass a national exam and meet strict guidelines to practice in every state.
Acupuncture is recognized by the National Institute of Health (NIH) and the World Health Organization (WHO) to be effective in the treatment of a wide variety of medical problems.
Yes. In some instances children actually respond more quickly than adults. If your child has an aversion to needles, your acupuncturist may massage the acupuncture points. This is called acupressure or tuina.